Piano Lessons in West Chester, PA

Ages 5 and up
Piano Lessons
Piano has traditionally been the most popular instrument to learn and we have great instructors ready to help you quickly play it! Whether you are interested in learning Mozart sonatas, Bach fugues or that cool synth keyboard part on Rush's "Tom Sawyer", we aim to be the best piano lesson experience in West Chester
Learning piano doesn't have to be hard! Our instructors are very warm, friendly, and patient and are ready to help you work on the most important aspects of becoming the piano player you've always wanted to be!
It is ideal if you do have a piano at home before starting lessons, but you can start lessons with our piano teachers by using an electric keyboard to practice on. Most of our students rent or buy small electric keyboards practice on at home. We recommend a keyboard that has regular sized keys and a touch sensitive response. A touch sensitive keyboard means if you press a key harder it will play louder and if you press a key softer it will play quieter.
Craigslist is a good resource and you can find a piano for around $200. It can be expensive to pay a piano mover (around $300), but worth it unless you have strong men, moving straps and a truck! (Which can be done!)
To have the best success, look for the following things in a keyboard:
1. 88 keys
2. Sustain Pedal (when you hold it down, the sound rings out)
3. Touch sensitive keys (when you play harder, it sounds louder; when you play softly, it sounds quieter)